News & Media

Members of the Province’s Core Planning Table express grave concerns that BC’s bid to decriminalize drugs leaves behind the most marginalized drug users
Read an update on Pivot’s decriminalization advocacy and our conditions for supporting and providing input on a made-in-BC model.
Street sweeps are conducted every morning in the DTES. We must end this dehumanizing practice!
The Coalition of Peers Dismantling the War on Drugs, VANDU and Pivot recognize “Homelessness Action Week 2021”
The Vancouver Police Department is doubling down on the Trespass Prevention Program by expanding it, despite concerns.
We are going to the Supreme Court of BC to fight for Drug War Survivors right to have a space of their own in Surrey.
Full drug decriminalization is consistent with Canada's human rights obligations
28 health and human rights groups say BC's vaccine card plans intensifies discriminations against already marginalized groups
BC's proof of vaccination plan as it currently stands, fails to account for people who will face legitimate barriers to accessing a vaccine card.
BC Poverty Reduction Coalition, Homeless Services Association of BC, and Pivot Legal Society write to address transit poverty and the role of TransLink in eradicating inequity within its ridership.