News & Media

Call for donations due to the recent raids and arrests of Indigenous land defenders at the unarmed Gidimt’en checkpoint to address the legal costs of the individuals going to court.
BC and Vancouver have each applied to decriminalize simple drug possession. Neither model is perfect, but how do they compare?
Leading human rights and public health organizations release national drug decriminalization platform for Canada.
BC Provincial Court’s recent decision of R v Ellis marks a departure from harsh sentencing ranges for street-based fentanyl dealers. We know that a different approach is needed—the Court listened.
Meenakshi Mannoe & Kit Rothschild want City of Vancouver to reinvest 50% of the police budget into community-led crisis response and peer-led systems of care.
Researcher and policy analyst Chuka Ejeckam distinguishes public safety from police spending, as these concepts are often conflated.
Defund 604 Network releases 6 demands to build safe, health and sustainable communities for all with release of results of the 2021 People’s Budget in advance of 2022 police budget deliberations.
Pivot Legal Society letter to City of Dawson Creek: Proposed amendment to zoning bylaw prevents access to life saving harm reduction services.
We urge Council to take this opportunity to begin addressing the City’s legacy of homelessness, eviction, displacement, and gentrification in the Downtown Eastside.
Nicole Luongo outlines the pitfalls of the “Complex Care housing” model that is widely-touted by provincial and municipal governments in BC