Prohibitions on being in or sheltering in a park overnight violate Section 7 of the Charter, which protects individuals’ safety and security of person. We also know that, unhoused people require shelter on a more than overnight basis. In order to meet the rights of people who are unhoused, municipalities must ensure that space exists at all times where homeless people can sleep, rest, shelter, stay warm, eat, wash and attend to personal hygiene. These are the building blocks to a right to an adequate standard of living for all people in Canada.
We developed the following signs to inform municipal bylaw and police officers about current laws as they relate to unhoused people who are living in tents, and to seizing belongings of of anyone who relies on public spaces.
The following signs are offered with and without the Pivot Legal Society logo. If you would like a soft-copy of these signs to put your own logo on them, please contact getinvolved[at]pivotlegal[dot]org
This Tent Is My HomeSign with Pivot logo |
This Tent Is My HomeSign without logo |
Do Not Seize My TentSign with Pivot logo |
Do Not Seize My TentSign without logo Download "Do Not Seize My Tent" sign without the Pivot logo
Do Not Take My BelongingsSign with Pivot logo Download "Do Not Take My Belongings" sign with the Pivot logo |
Do Not Take My BelongingsSign without logo Download "Do Not Take My Belongings" sign without the Pivot logo
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Using the law as a catalyst for positive social change, Pivot Legal Society works to improve the lives of marginalized communities.