Organizational Endorsements to Decriminalize Poverty in Vancouver
Support the shift towards permanent community-led alternatives to policing
Your organization can endorse the open letter calling on the City of Vancouver to divest from policing and invest in community programs to promote safety and wellbeing of communities impacted most by criminalization. Community-led programs make our neighbourhoods stronger and safer.
Please fill out this form to indicate your organization's endorsement of the three main calls to the City of Vancouver
- Divest from policing and invest in community-based services, specifically non-police interventions that support people who are impacted by homelessness, toxic drug supply, mental health distress, and those working in informal/grey economies, such as sex work.
- Provide and make available to directly-impacted groups and organizations the expenditures associated with this Decriminalizing Poverty Motion, and future related work, supported with transparent reporting, including line item details.
- Design permanent funding for programs that prioritize the work of decriminalizing poverty and supporting community-led safety initiatives as part of the path to defunding the police.
Endorsing Organizations
AIDs Vancouver
Arts Assembly
Battered Women’s Support Services
BC Association of People on Methadone
BC Civil Liberties Association
BC Centre on Substance Use
BC Humanist Association
Black Lives Matter - Vancouver
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy - Vancouver
Car Free Vancouver Society
Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity
Coalition of Peers Dismantling the Drug War
Community Action Initiative
Defund 604 Network
DTES Women's Centre
Eastside Community Action Project
First United Church Social Housing Society
Gallery Gachet
Hogan’s Alley Society
The James Black Gallery Association
Law Union of British Columbia
Metro Vancouver Consortium
Nahanee Creative Inc
Options for Sexual Health
Overdose Prevention Society
PACE Society
Pacific AIDS Network Society (PAN)
Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres
Pivot Legal Society
REACH Community Health Centre
Restoring Collective
Sanctuary Health
Sector Equity for Anti-Racism in the Arts
Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group
Single Mothers Alliance for Gender and Economic Justice
SRO Collective
SWAN Vancouver
Tenant Overdose Response Organizers
UBC Social Justice Centre
UBC Students Against Bigotry
Union of BC Indian Chiefs
UNIT/PITT Society for Art and Critical Awareness
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users
Vines Arts Festival
VIVO Media Arts Centre
WestCoast LEAF
WISH Drop-In Centre Society
Work Safe Twerk Safe
50 Endorsing Organizations