Video ID for TTBTC Report launch video

Video description. 

Still 1: Text: "Talking Back to the City. A manual for winning - and resisting local drug policy." The cover of the report is the background.  

Still 2: Text: "Dedicated to all the street people, all the VANDU members, and all the people who have died at the hands of the police. - Hugh Lampkin, VANDU Board Member." 

Still 3: Text: "Rest in power. And to our fallen members, friends, and lovers. Especially Flora, Greg and Myles - beloved Board members and co-authors who we lost before the release of this report." Image: Photos of Myles Harpes, Flora Muroe & Greg Fresz. 

Still 4: Text: "Recommendation 1: Decriminalize PWUD, our spaces, and our safe supply initiatives. Apply to the federal Minister of Health for an exemption from drug laws, including simple possession. Apply to the federal Minister of Health for exemptions to allow personal possession, necessity trafficking, and/or safe supply initiatives. Stop enforcing drug laws." 

Still 5: Text: "Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users' Golden Rules Poster. Image text: "Golden Rules Poster. Design by Download today!" The Background image is the poster itself. Full text and 10 golden rules available here: [LINK]. There is a large illustration of red roses in the middle of the image, with an inset quote "I can be a rose in your pocket or a thorn in your side." - Tracey Morrison, Rest in Power. 

Still 6: Text: "Recommendation 2: Amend bylaws and policies that disproportionately harm PWUD. Repeal discriminatory bylaws or amend them as they apply to PWUD. Track the enforcement of bylaw tickets." 

Still 7: Text: "Recommendation 3: End drug and paraphernalia seizures by law enforcement. Repeal all anti-harm reduction bylaws. Demand receipts from law enforcement when drugs and drug paraphernalia are seized. Cease the harmful and illegal practice of drug and drug paraphernalia seizures." 

Still 8: Text: "Recommendation 4: End local interference with drug user spaces and services. Cease the discriminatory use of zoning bylaws, business licenses and complaints. Demand support from health authorities and the Province to overcome municipal barriers to OPS." 

Still 9: Text: "Recommendation 5: Create 'bubble zones' around harm reduction services. Legislate 'bubble zones' around harm reduction services and drug-user run spaces. Adopt no-police policies at healthcare facilities, local businesses, and drug user-run spaces. Adopt policy of non-presence around harm reduction sites." 

Still 10: Text: "Recommendation 6: Support a community-based approach to overdose. Scale up naloxone training for city employees, including those who work in public facilities, parks, and schools. Adopt a policy of non-attendance at overdose events and ensure officer compliance." 

Still 11: Text: "Recommendation 7: Integrate alcohol into local harm reduction, safe supply, and decriminalization efforts. Decriminalize drinkers. Start drinkers' chapters in every drug user-led group and build connections between organizations that serve drinkers in the community. Adopt policies of non-enforcement for provincial and federal laws that harm drinkers." 

Still 12: Text: "Recommendation 8: Ensure PWUD have decision-making power in all drug-related bylaws and policies. Hire PWUD to audit all local drug-related laws and policies." 

Still 13: Text: "Recommendation 9: Fund drug user groups and services. Invest in drug user-led groups and community services. Defund police and reallocate to community. Tax the rich. Buy property and lease it to PWUD. Engage in participatory budgeting." 

Still 14: Text: "Talking back to the city. A Manual for winning and resisting local drug policy. Read full report on Pivot's website. Authors Caitlin Shane, Pivot Legal Society. VANDU Boards, 2022 + 2023. Report Design/Layout Amy Wu." Logos of Pivot Legal Society and VANDU at the bottom. A red circle with the text "link in bio" is in the bottom right corner.