Police across the province are endangering lives and working in direct conflict with health authorities
Because of stigma, our social safety net is often inaccessible to people who need it.
Stigma disqualifies people and groups from social acceptance and social equity
There are very real and direct health, safety, and human rights implications that arise where services are not available or accessible to marginalized people.
Court conditions are setting people up for failure and blocking access to health care and support.
Police officers across the province are abusing their authority and endangering the lives of marginalized people through their actions.
An analysis of how stigma informs police violence and failures of the justice system and social services
To fix a broken system, we must fight the stigma fuelling it
Stigma fuels the creation of harmful laws that further reinforce the biases and prejudices we hold
An analysis of how stigma informs police violence and failures of the justice system and social services